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Thirty Works in Thirty Days to Support Chronic Urticaria! on Jul 01, 2014, 30 days

At your own home!!!
At your own home,
Every Country
Sue Hargrave
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JOIN US!!! The Chronic Urticaria Support Group on Facebook has decided to host a world wide "30 Works in 30 days" challenge for everyone! Some members are writing haiku, others are working on their scrapbooks for one hour a day for 30 days. Other members are taking about making one piece of art that they will work on for one hour for thirty days, and it will be about living with urticaria. Others are painting a small art work each day(landscapes, cartoons, making posters that support Urticaria Day, Cooking a new food or meal for 30 days, working on needlepoint, cross-stitch, creating a more beautiful garden, etc. for a specific time each day.! One person said they are going to draw little pictures that are 3" by 3", and then collage them to a board to make a larger art piece! All it takes is whatever time you want to set aside each day for 30 days to create something for you or for others. The Choice is YOURS! Just put in time for 30 days on doing something you love in honor of Chronic Urticaria Patients! Before or on the first of October, you would post a photo of yourself with your creation on the map on this website!

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