back to urticaria day
be @ and give urticaria a face!
23 years and counting!!!CU on and off for 37 years, started at the age of 7. Longest duration 2 years, currently at 4 months.I\'ve had CIU for 12 years now. I currently take eight medications daily and get a shot once a month. It has been so painful and lonely. It not only affects me physically but emotionally as well. A hard combination to live with while trying to
Hello, my name Ilenia , I have 32 years and suffer hives since I was a child. There was a period from 5 to 21 did not return to me any episode, but after delivery , every time my child gets sick and gives me some infection in my throat , I filled urtI have been suffering from Delayed Pressure Urticaria (DPU) and CIU for years now but diagnosed last year.  It has been immobilizing and life changing.  Everyone needs to know how serious this is for us! I pray for a cure someday soon!Hi! I\'m 20 and have been struggling with chronic idiopathic urticaria for 5 months. Hope find a cure someday! :)My nose is a hive!!!
3,5 years passed by and still suffering from CSU... It has changed my life completely. I find it extremely hard to live with. Have only one wish and that is... Well, I guess you know...I have been living with Dermagraphism for over 15 years. Some days are not so bad. Others days I don\'t want to leave home. However it is my faith in God that has kept me motivated along with My supportive husband and kids that show unconditional loveFor 30 years, I have been battling Chronic Urticaria!  It\'s nice to see the spotlight on this frustrating, debilitating disease!Happy Urticaria Day ! \nItching  for a cure for us all\nmay we get a break !
Supporting the cause!!!Almost four years with Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria is one too many. I\'m here to support the cause. Let\'s find a cure!I\'ve suffered with Autoimmune Urticaria and Angioedema for 16 years.  I\'m hoping to find a cause and a cure for every one of you.I am posting this collage of artwork done by Welles Bay from the USA.  Her landscapes were made to fulfill a creative challenge on our Chronic Urticaria Facebook Page, (Private)  They need to be shared! Sue Hargrave
164 faces so far! See all here

Give urticaria a face

How can you make urticaria day a special day? How can you help raise awareness? How can you give urticaraia a face? Talk about urticaria!

There are several ways in which you can participate and celebrate urticaria day.

Upload your photo!

Give urticaria a face and upload a photo of you. No matter if with or without hives, join the community and show that you support urticaria day. Your picture and message will be shown right here on the website. Please do only upload photos of yourself, not of other people!

Tweet about #UrticariaDay2014!

140 characters to talk about urticaria is not much, but it's enough to get the important points across. Even if it's something simple along the lines of "Celebrating #UrticariaDay2014 to raise awareness for urticaria" - your tweet will make difference.

Blog about urticaria!

Tell us your personal story about your life with urticaria. How do you avoid triggers? What are you best tips and life hacks for dealing with the symptoms? What advice can you give fellow patients? And how do you deal with urticaria in general? Share your urticaria experience with the online community and blog about it on October 1st.

Do whatever you want!

There are countless more ways to participate. Just do whatever you want to celebrate urticaria day. Talk about it, online and offline. Throw a party. Start a local self-help group. And most importantly: have fun!

Spread the word, and don't forget to use the hashtag #UrticariaDay2014, so your voice can be heard on this website and all over the internet.